September Bluegrass Events

Sept. 6-7-8, Gibbonsville Campout, ID

Sept. 20-22, Trumble Creek Campout, Columbia Falls, MT

September 20-22, Miles City Bluegrass Festival, Miles City, MT

Sept. 27—Acousticals,  Philipsburg Brewery 5:00-8:00

Sept. 28—Acousticals,  Missoula Farmer’s Market

See newsletter for details.

July Bluegrass Events

July 10 – Leftover Biscuits, The Springs in Whitefish, 5:30
July 12 – Acousticals, Philipsburg Brewery, 5:00-8:00
July 14 – Lil Smokies, Under the Big Sky Festival, Whitefish,
July 24 – Leftover Biscuits, Buffalo Hill Concert Series, Kalispell, 7:00
July 25 – Lochwood, Bitterrot Brewery, Hamilton, 6:00-8:30
July 26-28 – Hardtimes Bluegrass Festival (Darby)

2019 Hardtimes Bluegrass Festival

As you may have heard. This year is sink or swim for the Hardtimes Bluegrass Festival located 10 miles south of Hamilton on July 26,27,28. After all was tallied last year, Tari and I lost $2000. We are rethinking our advertising, and have raised admission prices. If you would like to see the festival continue, please print off the Hardtimes Poster and put them up, invite your friends, and spread the word.. If it doesn’t float this year, it’s been 12 grand years of Bluegrass Fun.. Mike and Tari Conroy….

MRBA Bluegrass Campout

Come join us at the annual MRBA Campout- June 21,22 and 23. Up the West Fork of the Bitterroot River at Hughes Creek. (see May-June newsletter for directions). Pot lucks at 6 pm, free camping, biking, hiking, 4 wheelin’, swimming (brrrrr), all in a beautiful location 1 mile up Hughes Creek. Lots of jamming and bsin’ with the bluegrass family. All Bluegrass Lovers Welcome…. 821-3777 for more info Mike Conroy (head pot-luck samplier guy)

May Bluegrass Events

May 3 & 4—Idaho Old Time Fiddlers, Hoots Café, White Bird Idaho (See newsletter for details)

May 16, – Lochwood,  Draughtworks Brewery, Missoula, MT

May 17— Lochwood 17th Highlander Brewery, Missoula, MT

May 24-27 – Conroy Memorial Campout (See newsletter for details.)

May 26—June 2, River Pickin, Libby, MT  (See newsletter for details)

May 25—Old Fashion Bluegrass, Symes Hotel, Hot Springs

May 30— Acousticals,  Bitteroot Brewery 6:00-8:30