MRBA Spring Festival 2014


Lone Rock School, Stevensville, MT – April 12, 2014

Well, we’re getting geared up for another great Spring Festival, with 18 bands and whole lot of fun. The Festival will again be at the Lone Rock School, on Saturday, April 12th—2014. There will be free overnight camping at the school and the music will start at 12 noon and go non-stop til 10:25 pm. The school will be open after the Festival for jam- ming and Sunday morning we will have a free breakfast for campers at the school.

Verna Molenda has again offered to cook her wonderful food for the kitchen. She asks that folks that bring food for sale bring desserts. If you would like to volunteer to help Verna, call her at 821-3163.
If you would like to volunteer to help at the festival with the ticket tables or the cd or merchandise sales, please call Ben Essary at 777-7028. Or just check in that day with the organizers and they’ll find a spot for you. Thanks!

Directions – (Watch for signs) Lone Rock School: 1112 Three Mile Creek, Stevensville, MT
Directions from south- (traveling North on Highway 93 from Hamilton), turn right at Stevensville turn off- drive 1 mile, turn left when entering Stevensville onto East Side Highway and continue 5 1/2 miles. Turn right on Three Mile Road. Continue on Three Mile Road for 3 miles, school is on the left.
Directions from the North-(from Lolo) Turn left at Florence (Conoco Station) onto Eastside Highway. Continue on Eastside Highway 6 1/2 miles. Turn left onto Three Mile Road.
Continue on Three Mile Road for 3 miles, school is on the left.                                                     2014 MRBA Bluegrass Festival, as follows…

12:00—12:30         Kids in Bluegrass

12:35—1:05           Russell King & Fully Cooked

1:10—1:40             The Bittergrass String Band

1:45—2:15             Darby Sireens

2:20—2:50             Spring Wagon

2:55—3:25             Blue To The Bone

3:30—4:00             Salmon Valley String Band

4:05—4:35             Pinegrass

4:40—5:10             Foggy Mtn. Top

5:15—5:45             Accousticals

5:50—6:20            PJ & Cindy with Flatgrass

6:25—6:55           Mike and Tari Conroy Band

7:00—7:30           New South Fork

7:35—8:05          Black Mtn. Boys

8:10—8:40          Gravely Mtn Boys

8:45—9:15          Heartbreak Pass

9:20—9:50           Spring Thaw

9:55—10:25        Phyllis Erck and the Ruby Jewel Band

10:30—11:00      Elk River Ramblers

…see ya there!!




Upcoming Bluegrass Events

fsMarch 7— Trapline Band—Symes Hotel, Hot Springs, MT 8:00 p.m.

March 8—Ruby’s Winter Jam Series, Open Jam and potluck. Pickin’ and grinnin’ starts at 2:00pm. Potluck at 5:30 followed by more pickin’

March 18—Pinegrass. Top Hat in Missoula. 8:00 pm

March 24—Acousticals. Redbird in Missoula. 7:00 pm
March 29— John Jorgeson Bluegrass Band.

March 29— Leftover Biscuits. Belton Chalet. 7:00

April 1— Pinegrass with Richie Rienholdt, Top Hat in Missoula, 8:00 p.m.

April 3— Acousticals, Top Hat in Missoula, 6:00 pm

April 7—Kathy Kallick Band, Ruby’s Inn, Missoula, MT
April 9—Kathy Kallick Band, Hilton Garden Inn, Great Falls, MT April 10—Kathy Kallick Band, Hampton Inn, Billings, MT
(See for details)

April 10—Porter Creek, Top Hat in Missoula,
April 11—12—Yonder Mountain String Band, Missoula,
April 11—New South Fork, Top Hat in Missoula, 6:00 pm
April 12—MRBA Spring Festival— Stevensville, Lone Rock School

The Montana Rockies Bluegrass Association is a non-profit association dedicated to promoting, preserving and sharing our love of bluegrass music in a spirit of family and friendship.

     Recurring Shows and Jams

images-4 Missoula – Tuesdays, Wheat Montana – Moozoola Opry 6pm ‘til 8pm the Black Mountain Boys play. Admission is free, the band asks that you buy a sandwich or soup from the fine folks at Wheat Montana as you enjoy an evening of music.

 Missoula – Pickin Circle. Tangled Tones Studio. 2005 South Ave., West. – 2nd & 4th Wednesdays—6:00 pm to 9:00 pm . (406-396-3352)

 Missoula—Open Jam. Top Hat. Tuesdays. 7:00 pm
 Livingston – Open Jam. Pine Creek Café. Thursday—8:30—10:30 pm.

Join Us For ‘Pasture Pickin’ in Libby Mt., August 10-17th, 2014

castIt starts August 10-17th, 2014 and goes all week.  So ya’ll load yer truck & come join us, ya hear.

This is the 2nd Pasture Pickin event this summer, (the 1st one was last May). We have been having our Bluegrass and country campout for 19 years and have meet so many great people and heard some great music.

Just to tell you a little bit of our camp out, First it  is free to every  one, we have lots of room for camping out, we have built a couple of places where we can get out of the weather and play music, It is dry camping but we have great well water to fill your rigs up with. Pets are welcome but must be on a leash at all times.  There are some people that come early and that is fine with us, every one looks forward to seeing old friends and meeting newones. (P.S. This 2nd camp out will not have our pot luck dinner or band scramble like we did in May).

jamming1Pasture pickin is held 5  1/2  miles up pipe creek road. If you need any more info. Just give us a call. (406) 293-6608  so hope to see you, and have a great day,

Dorothy and Dale


Hard Times Poster 2014

Click to zoom

Mike and Tari Conroy… Present the 6th annual HARDTIMES BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL

July 25-26-27, 2014

Welcome to the official home page for the 6th annual Hardtimes Bluegrass Festival. This festival has a “old timey mountain feel” and features traditional bluegrass music. Our festival is an affordable, family friendly gathering in a beautiful setting, that is geared towards having good clean fun while celebrating the sounds of traditional bluegrass music.  Come see us this year!                  

Admission Fees: Adult – $12.00 for the weekend

(3 minutes or 3 days-it’s all the same  price)

12 Years and under – $6.00 for the weekend

Dry Camping – $12.00 for the weekend.

Camping is available in the trees on a first come- first serve basis.


Food vendors on site

Leashed dogs are allowed.


Festival site opens for camping Thursday, July 24th, 10:00 am

Featured Activities

11 Performing Bands

Pioneers in Montana Bluegrass

Band Contest Awards for “Best Band” and “Most Character”

Kids in Bluegrass

Bluegrass Gospel Sunday Morning

Lots of Jamming

Mike & Tari Conroy

Mike & Tari Conroy

The Ruby Jewel Band this Wednesday, 2/5/14. 7:30 at THE LOFT!!

Ruby Jewel Band

The Loft is located Downtown Missoula, across from the parking garage, upstairs above the Dance Collective…119 W Main St, Missoula Montana

About the BAND

Phyllis Erck born in Sulpher Springs, Texas where she spent her childhood listening to radio and live jamborees, produced by her father, Lou, who was a popular radio disk jockey on KSST Radio. The family moved north at age 6 to build family business in radio. The business spread across the Rocky Mountain states and the family moved with it. Phyllis’ musical roots were stimulated at an early age in the pews of the Sourthern Baptist church where she learned to sing harmonies with the church choir and with her siblings who all sing. Inspired by her brother Charles’ playing, she took up the Dobro. Phyllis sang throughout high school and college. After college she moved to New England where she found the rich bluegrass music scene and formed close musical relationships with many of the players there. In 1998 she formed the band Blue Angel with Victoria Ginty and recorded the album Dance a Little Closer. In 2002 she returned Montana where she has performed with groups including Ramblin’ Rose, Hot House Tomatoes, The Alley Cats, Blue to the Bone and her current band the Ruby Jewel Band.

Career highlights

  • IBMA Awards show with Jerry Douglas – 1 of 2 women in the dobro extravaganza with 50 players onstage celebrating the Grammy award winning album The Great Dobro Sessions
  • Noppett Hill Bluegrass Festival – Sang tenor to Del McCoury on stage

Ruby Jewel Band Members

  • Phyllis Erck, Dobro and vocals
  • Louie Bond, Guitar and vocals
  • Roy Gruss, Bass
  • Walt Pederson, Drums



Big Sky Big Grass Academy, starts this wednesday!

8th Annual    Big Sky Big Grass          February 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th   2014


Here’s a link….

There’s also a VERY nice article in the Bozeman paper about it.


Sam Bush Band

Travelin’ McCourys

The Infamous Stringdusters

Tony Trischka Territory

Darol Anger, Emy Phelps, Joe Walsh

Drew Emmitt Band

The Special Consensus

Chris Jones and the Night Drivers

Deadly Gentlemen

Mountain Standard Time

Two Bit Franks

Holler N’ Pine

The Kitchen Dwellers

Lil’ Smokies

Driftwood Grinners

Hooligan Acoustic Trio with Bill Payne

                         THE  “Biggest Skiing in America”




Join us at the next MRBA jam… Saturday Febuary 8th 2014

Join us at the next MRBA jam… Saturday February 8th at Ruby’s Convention Center, Missoula MT…Tom is gonna run a “SLOW PITCH” circle to help those of us just gettin into the Bluegrass Groove !!!

Ya’ll show up at 2:00 with yer bluegrass instruments and plan on singing and pickin’ all evening long.

Dont forget to bring something really good to share at the pot luck at 6pm, then getting back to the music right after desert!

ruby.fw SEE YA THERE!!


7th Annual ISBA Spring Super Jam

What’s the most bluegrass fun you can have the weekend after Mother’s Day?

It is the 7th Annual ISBA Spring Super Jam  – whether you camp all weekend or just come for the day, it’s a great weekend of pickin’, music, friends…

SANY2070 MVC-640F

Idaho Sawtooth Bluegrass Association

Spring Super Jam

May 16th – 18th

Lewis Clark Resort, Kamiah Idaho

TH Evening Early-bird Potluck, Workshops, Open Mic, Kids in Bluegrass, Outdoor Concert and Jamming, of course.

Lewis Clark Resort – Camper/RV spaces, tent camping, cabins, hotel and on-site restaurant –

There will also be some food vendors on site.

Additional Lodging & Options

Long Camp RV(one mile from festival site)

Clearwater 12 Motel (2 miles from festival site)

Kamiah Inn Motel –

Kamiah Hotel Bar and Grill

Kamiah is located on Hwy 12:

  • 4 hours south of Spokane
  • 3 hours west of Missoula
  • 4 hours east of the Tri-Cities
  • 4 hours north of Boise
  • The planning committee is accepting bluegrass band requests to fill 6 – 30 minute band slots for the SAT afternoon outdoor concert. If your band would like to showcase, please email:
  • Sample of your music (can be an IPad/Smart phone/YouTube video or audio recording)
  • Short written introduction andPhoto to be used in advertising.

The Spring Super Jam draws folks from all over Idaho and the surrounding states. It’s the most fun you can have the weekend after Mother’s Day.  Send your band information today to:hmtsmithnid@gmail.comDeadline: February 15th (only three weeks). Bands will be notified by February 30th.

Fine Print: the Spring Jam is not a fund raiser, nor a for-profit festival. Its purpose is to connect musicians and showcase bands.

  • ISBA will:

o   Provide a quality sound system for the set – single mic configuration

o   Provide the band with a professional recording (CD) of their set, recorded by Shook Mountain Productions

o   Provide each band member a “high-fashion” ISBA t-shirt or hat – Woohoo!

o   Advertise the concert – posters, Facebook, Organization calendars & email (using  information and pictures, provided by each band)

o   Encourage purchase of band merchandise

  • Band will:
  • o   Bring band members as represented in promo packet – traditional bluegrass instrumentation (banjo, guitar, bass, mandolin, fiddle and/or dobro)
  • o   Play on 30 minute set on SAT, May 17th, sometime between 3 – 6pm