Would you and your band be interested in playing at the Kamiah Super Jam?


The ISBA (Idaho Sawtooth Bluegrass Association) is inviting ANY band wishing to be considered for playing at the Kamiah Super Jam to please submit a song or two via an email/video of your band to rlberg@live.com.

This is a fund raiser for the Idaho Sawtooth Bluegrass Association so it’s a volunteer of your time. However, Mike and Tari Conroy will be recording each band and you’ll receive a free cd as a thank you.

The dates are May 15-17th and the stage show would be on the 16th. Please have your songs emailed to Randy (rlberg@live.com) no later than next Friday Feb 13th.

Kamiah is 3 hours West of Missoula on Hwy 12 out of Lolo.

Last Deer Lodge jam

Bill and Charlene Anderson hosted the last Deer Lodge jam Jan 24th…(Charlene is retiring and won’t have the jammin space anymore). Good pickin and good food and good friends.. Mike

Wintergrass Showcase Bands

We have a nice roster of bands lined up for the Wintergrass Showcase in Suite 355 including:

Caleb Coffey / Emily Emmons, The Warren G. Hardings, Pickled Okra, Heartbreak Pass, Moonshine Falls, Mountain Meets the Sea, Roosevelt Road, Lochwood, The Blackberry Bushes Stringband and more.  Seattle’s famous KaraokeGrass Band in Suite 353 (next door)
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The Last Deer Lodge Jam


The last Deer Lodge jam will be Jan 24th 2015 . It starts at noon and goes til we are plump wore out.. A meal is provided for $5. Charlene is retiring so we won’t have this facility anymore.. Address is 511 Main street, parking in the rear. For lodging contact Western Big Sky Inn at 866-244-7590  or 406-846-2590.  For more info call Bill Anderson at 406-498-6621 or Charlene Anderson at 406-491-1843.. Come join in the pickin… Mike Conroy